DocsToolsVite - Watch and Run

šŸ‘€ How to - vite-plugin-watch-and-run


KitQL itself is not a library, itā€™s ā€œnothingā€ but a collection of standalone libraries.

Adding watch mode to any command / Tool!


npm i -D vite-plugin-watch-and-run


Add watchAndRun plugin with the following configuration:

  • watch: a glob pattern to watch for changes. This will be matched against the absolute path for altered files.
  • run: a command to trigger when a file change is detected (You can be very creative šŸ„³!)
import path from 'path'
import { watchAndRun } from 'vite-plugin-watch-and-run'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
        name: 'gen',
        watch: path.resolve('src/**/*.(gql|svelte)'),
        run: 'npm run gen'
        // watchKind: ['add', 'change', 'unlink'], // (default)
        // delay: 300                              // (default)

Side Notes

  • Full list of watchKind can be found here:

  • delay is good in case you have 200 files added realy fast! Like this the cmd is executed only once.

  • For the run command we recommend to use npm run xxx as it will work for npm, yarn and pnpm šŸ™ƒ

  • watch infos

    • You can use glob patterns to watch for changes under the root directory.
  watch: path.resolve('**/*.ts')
  • You can use absolute path to watch for changes on a specific file on your machine. Thatā€™s useful if you want to watch for changes on a file that is in your monorepo for example!
  watch: path.resolve('../../')
  • You can also go with watchFile that is a function that will be called with the filepath. Inside, you can decide what to do.